Rapid Graphs- Tableau for Customer Segmentation and Lifetime Value Analysis

This was presented at the Tableau Conference 2009. It is about the tremendous opportunities to leverage customer segmentation and lifetime value data at the individual customer level. Click here for the presentation.

Identifying segments for every customer can unlock long-hidden value for your marketing team. Combining this information with Tableau creates a simple means for marketing owners to evaluate and improve their decisions.

A second opportunity is adding lifetime value estimates to each customer as you acquire them and as their behavior adds additional information to inform their value. With lifetime value estimates, you will gain a huge competitive advantage in evaluating your the long-term value of your marketing investments and product decisions. Are your most expensive programs just impacting short-term outcomes and only reaching lower value customers? How are your customers being affected by a blend of marketing programs over time?

Click here to see a summary view on Tableau Public which was constructed from part of the Tableau workbook used in this presentation. Many thanks to Ellie Fields at Tableau for selecting the views and publishing this summary!

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