The Little SAS Book: A Primer

This book is a well written and succinct introduction to SAS programming and basic statistical analysis.   Using just PC SAS  with BASE and  STAT, you can pick up the basics of programming with SAS for data access, data manipulation with the DATA step and functions, basic SAS PROCs, controlling output appearance, leveraging MACRO capabilities of SAS, basic statistical analysis, and program debugging.    With SAS Learning Edition  and this book you can quickly master the basics of the SAS language.

What I like about the book is how effectively the  authors select some of the most powerful and useful areas of the SAS language and cover them in a compelling manner.   Most chapters have 5-20 subtopics  with  accompanying  examples in just two pages per subtopic!   This format of two pages per subtopic makes the book easy to reference, quick to read, and very aesthetically pleasing.

All in all, this is a very fast way to become  immersed in the essentials of SAS programming.

Buy “The Little SAS Book: A Primer” at Amazon!

One of the authors of this book, Susan J. Slaughter,    can be reached at Avocet Solutions  in Sacramento, CA.   The other author, Lora D. Delwiche, can be reached at UC- Davis, in Davis, CA.   I have personally had the pleasure of meeting them at SAS Global Forum and have nothing but great things to say about them and this book.

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